Check out my Google Scholar for the list of all publications.

On using the UA-Speech and TORGO databases to validate automatic dysarthric speech classification approaches

ICASSP, 2023

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Abstract: Although the UA-Speech and TORGO databases of control and dysarthric speech are invaluable resources made available to the research community with the objective of developing robust automatic speech recognition systems, they have also been used to validate a considerable number of automatic dysarthric speech classification approaches. Such approaches typically... [Read More]

Experimental investigation on STFT phase representations for deep learning-based dysarthric speech detection

ICASSP, 2022

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Abstract: Mainstream deep learning-based dysarthric speech detection approaches typically rely on processing the magnitude spectrum of the short-time Fourier transform of input signals, while ignoring the phase spectrum. Although considerable insight about the structure of a signal can be obtained from the magnitude spectrum, the phase spectrum also contains inherent... [Read More]

Supervised Speech Representation Learning for Parkinson’s Disease Classification

ITG Conference on Speech Communication, 2021

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Abstract: Recently proposed automatic pathological speech classification techniques use unsupervised auto-encoders to obtain a high-level abstract representation of speech. Since these representations are learned based on reconstructing the input, there is no guarantee that they are robust to pathology-unrelated cues such as speaker identity information. Further, these representations are not... [Read More]

Automatic Dysarthric Speech Detection Exploiting Pairwise Distance-Based Convolutional Neural Networks

ICASSP, 2021

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Abstract: Automatic dysarthric speech detection can provide reliable and cost-effective computer-aided tools to assist the clinical diagnosis and management of dysarthria. In this paper we propose a novel automatic dysarthric speech detection approach based on analyses of pairwise distance matrices using convolutional neural networks (CNNs). We represent utterances through articulatory... [Read More]

Subspace-based Learning for Automatic Dysarthric Speech Detection

IEEE Signal Processing Letters, Volume 28, 2021

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Abstract: To assist the clinical diagnosis and treatment of speech dysarthria, automatic dysarthric speech detection techniques providing reliable and cost-effective assessment are indispensable. Based on clinical evidence on spectro-temporal distortions associated with dysarthric speech, we propose to automatically discriminate between healthy and dysarthric speakers exploiting spectro-temporal subspaces of speech. Spectro-temporal... [Read More]

Automatic Pathological Speech Intelligibility Assessment Exploiting Subspace-based Analyses

IEEE/ACM Transactions on Audio, Speech, and Language Processing, Volume 28, 2020

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Abstract: Competitive state-of-the-art automatic pathological speech intelligibility measures typically rely on regression training on a large number of features, require a large amount of healthy speech training data, or are applicable only to phonetically balanced scenarios where healthy and pathological speakers utter the same utterances. As a result, their performance... [Read More]

Synthetic Speech References for Automatic Pathological Speech Intelligibility Assessment

ICASSP, 2020

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Abstract: Automatic pathological speech intelligibility measures are crucial to assist the clinical diagnosis and treatment of speech disorders. The recently proposed pathological short-time objective intelligibility (P-ESTOI) measure was shown to be very advantageous, yielding a high performance for several speech pathologies. However, to assess the intelligibility of an utterance from... [Read More]

Spectral Subspace Analysis for Automatic Assessment of Pathological Speech Intelligibility


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Abstract: Speech intelligibility is an important assessment criterion of the communicative performance of pathological speakers. To assist clinicians in their assessment, time- and cost-efficient automatic intelligibility measures offering a repeatable and reliable assessment are desired. In this paper, we propose to automatically assess pathological speech intelligibility based on a distance... [Read More]

Pathological Speech Intelligibility Assessment Based on the Short-time Objective Intelligibility Measure

ICASSP, 2019

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Abstract: Impaired speech intelligibility in motor speech disorders arising due to neurological diseases negatively affects the communication ability and quality of life of patients. Reliable and cost-effective measures to automatically assess speech intelligibility are necessary for the management of such disorders. In this paper, we propose to automatically assess the... [Read More]